Archives for posts with tag: negatives


Last summer I took a trip to beautiful Asheville, North Carolina for a week and shot several rolls of slide film with my  Mamiya RB67 Medium Format film camera.  I recently crossed-processed the rolls and began to scan them in. These two images are shown full-frame, so you see the edge of my negative, and have not been edited. I love how vivid the colors become during the cross-processing!




Over the past few semesters I have spent countless hours scanning all of my negatives I have shot since starting photography school. It is only now that I am starting to sort through that gold mine. This negative was my very first black and white negative shot with a 4×5 View Camera. Technically it is far from being perfect by any standard, but knowing how difficult it was to set up and use the first time, I am happy to have gotten anything to show for my efforts. I scanned my negative in using an Imacon scanner, and left it unedited. I really like the grungy feel of the overall image, and even the processing marks add to its charm.
HutchinsonA_pano_blog (1 of 1)
This is a panoramic taken for my Digital Imaging Class this semester. For this assignment I decided to not shoot digital, but to use my Mamiya RB67 medium format film camera to capture the 40 independent frames needed to compose this image.  After my film was processed, I used an Imacon negative scanner to get my frames into a digital format, then merged them together in photoshop. The scanning process from start to being ready for print was 12 hours, with the final printed image being 24 x 174 inches. I knew that shooting this assignment digitally would make it a lot easier, but the quality of shooting film made the risk worth taking.