Archives for posts with tag: blue chair


This is my fourth image I created for my zombie series. I always envisioned doing an older version of myself as a knitting zombie, and one night this photo just popped into my head and I knew I had to take it! I began collecting props for this image over the past few weeks, and I did my own wardrobe and makeup. The other images in this series are Time for Tea, Pancake Breakfast, and Scared of the Dark.

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When I first pulled my new Nikon D800 out of the box, I didn’t want to break it in by just firing off the first few shots around the house. I wanted to save the first image for my favorite subject; abandoned house dolls. I don’t know if it was for the challenge of the “perfect first frame”, or to achieve some sense of luck by waiting, but I did. Two weeks went by before I came across this lovely abandoned house near my home in North Carolina. When I first stepped into the house I knew that this was going to be it; the afternoon sun was shining perfectly through the broken window, and this charming little doll was laying on the floor nearby. I set the chair near the window, posed the doll, and 1/125 of a second later, I had my first D800 frame. To follow more of my urban exploration photography, like me on Facebook!