Archives for posts with tag: outside


Here is the 14th image in my self portrait zombie series called Picnic. This one was a challenge trying to find a good time of day to photograph outside- in the south- in the summer! Boy was it hot! Other images in my zombie series are Make a WishHome Cookin’Take Time To Smell The RosesAlone TimePancake BreakfastTime for TeaHouse of Horror Hair, Scared of the DarkThe SleepoverFun in the Sun, Luau PartyIt’s a Girl!and It’s a Girl! The Cake.

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This self portrait titled Take Time To Smell The Roses is the fifth image I created for my Zombie series. This image is a lot simpler than most of the sets I design, which actually made it a little more challenging for me! The other images in this series are Alone TimePancake BreakfastTime for Tea, and Scared of the Dark.

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Big thanks to Whole Foods Market for donating these flowers to my project!

Had all my flowers arranged in jars to build my set. Had a terrible time keeping them from blowing over!

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In this assignment for my Photographic Illustration class, we had to choose a dairy food product and props to create a table top illustration that is appetizing and has a clear mood and pleasing sense of time and place. I chose cheese as my dairy food product and carefully arranged my props to create an outdoor picnic feel. For my cheese selection, I searched for products with varying textures and colors, and added accent items for a pop of color and contrast. For this image I used natural light around sunset, and one HMI light positioned to the right of my table top scene.
I recently just upgraded to my first iPhone and was immediately drawn to Instagram. I have been continually impressed with the quality of image that I can get just from a phone camera. What I love most is the constant accessibility. There are so many places and events that do not allow cameras, but most still do allow cell phone pictures. Since beginning to use the iPhone’s camera, I have been able to get images from locations that I just simply would not have gotten otherwise. Which goes back to a previous post I made; What is the best Camera? The one you have with you. This image is one I took of a silk worm’s web outside the Raleigh Art Museum. Follow me on Instagram to see more of my photography.